E-book: How you can help your children afford to buy a new home.

Ebook - How can you help your children afford to buy a new home

Written by Anthony Picone

Steward Wealth Co-Founder, Anthony, comes from Australia's most successful investment bank. In addition to his expertise in investments, Anthony provides Strategic and specialist Superannuation advice to clients.
March 5, 2018

How many of us are thinking ‘will our kids ever be able to afford a home?’ Or, ‘Am I ever going to be able to afford the home that I want or need?’ It’s interesting how the great Australian dream is increasingly being viewed as just that… a dream.

In reality, it doesn’t need to be. Sure it requires some discipline, and possibly a reality check that to gain something, you need to make some sacrifices. It’s not just about saving for a home, but also to build up an asset base to cover other costs like school fees, to live a satisfying lifestyle with the family and to enjoy a comfortable retirement.

A simple savings plan can be long and laborious. How about we accelerate this so as to build that home deposit, or build that asset base much quicker? There are ways we can all do this without lots of risk, or effort.


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