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Guides & eBooks

iphone containing ebook 'growing your wealth, while reducing your home loan - A proven strategy for lawyers

Free eBook: Grow your wealth, while reducing your home loan – a proven strategy for lawyers

Many of our legal clients have told us that of all the strategies they have implemented, the most effective for accelerating their net wealth position has been through debt recycling.

It allows our clients, where applicable, the ability to start investing for the future now while continuing to pay off their debts. To find out how this could work for you we have created a free eBook.

Free eBook: Debt recycling - strategies to boost your wealth

With the average Australian taking 15-20 years to pay off their home loan it doesn’t leave you with a lot of time to really build up assets to cover such things as a home upgrade, school fees, holiday house, family holidays or simply a comfortable retirement.

The ebook outlines how debt recycling strategies allow you to start investing for the future now whilst continuing to pay off your home loan.

debt recycling ebook iphone image
debt recycling ebook iphone image

Free eBook: Debt recycling - strategies to boost your wealth

With the average Australian taking 15-20 years to pay off their home loan it doesn’t leave you with a lot of time to really build up assets to cover such things as a home upgrade, school fees, holiday house, family holidays or simply a comfortable retirement.

The ebook outlines how debt recycling strategies allow you to start investing for the future now whilst continuing to pay off your home loan.

Steward Wealth Compound Calculator

Free eBook: What happens if I don’t come home tonight?

This free eBook outlines simple steps you can take to help prepare for the worst, protecting you and your family.

This eBook covers:

• Insurance protection – how to calculate your human capital and ensure you are properly covered

• Your will – 60% of people die without a valid will. Find out how to ensure your will includes relevant trusts and power of attorney

• Organisation of records – find a comprehensive list of what information you need to have accessible should the worst happen

Free eBook: How to help your children afford to buy a new home

The ability to help your child buy a home is a life-changing gift but whats the best way to approach it?

This free guide outlines effective strategies to build up your funds by:

• Reviewing how to maximise your savings through investments

• Understanding the unique features offered by different investment options

• How to turbocharge your returns

Steward Wealth Compound Calculator
Steward Wealth Compound Calculator

Free eBook: How to help your children afford to buy a new home

The ability to help your child buy a home is a life-changing gift but whats the best way to approach it?

This free guide outlines effective strategies to build up your funds by:

• Reviewing how to maximise your savings through investments

• Understanding the unique features offered by different investment options

• How to turbocharge your returns

Steward Wealth Compound Calculator

Free download: Financial adviser checklist

One of the most important decisions you will make in your lifetime is choosing a trusted adviser.

Our free checklist contains key questions to help ensure you have the right information to select the right financial adviser for you, factoring your unique circumstances, objectives and principles.


Steward Wealth Compound Calculator

Free download: Compound interest calculator

Our free compound calculator will enable you to:

• Calculate how the power of compounding could increase your savings
• Calculate compound interest
• See how much regular saving could impact your finances
• Help figure out where to put your money for the best return