Estate Planning


The day you’d rather not talk about, but really should

60% of people die without a valid will.

50% of people with a valid will need it updated based on their current circumstances.

Getting the right advice will make sure your wishes are realised in the most tax efficient way.


Understanding your situation

If you have a will, but it is out-of-date, or you don’t have a will at all, you could find that your money isn’t going to the people and causes you care about most. There is also a good chance that a larger slice of your estate than necessary will disappear in taxes.

We can work with our trusted estate planning experts to review your estate planning as part of our approach to your overall financial planning.

We’ll look at it from the perspective of your intended beneficiaries as well as from a tax-planning point of view to make sure your affairs are in order.

How we can help

We can advise on investment and wealth holding structures, setting up and administering trusts to protect your children’s inheritance and ensuring tax effectiveness.


We can also help you make provisions for your family in the event of your untimely death.
Recognising that life is rarely simple, we specialise in the complexities of second marriages and other situations where the estate may need to be divided across multiple people or families.
Finally, to make sure everything is documented as it should be, we can connect you to a will writing and executor service.

Do you need help with planning your estate?

Speak to an expert today.

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